Galataport Istanbul
Dive into Istanbul's Waterfront Gem: Explore Galataport's Enchanting Blend. Embrace Istanbul's maritime spirit at Galataport, a vibrant waterfront haven where history, shopping, and gastronomy seamlessly blend. Step into a world of captivating views, elegant architecture, and diverse experiences, all woven together along the stunning Bosphorus shores.
Gönnen Sie sich einen unvergleichlichen Einkaufsbummel. Entdecken Sie eine kuratierte Auswahl internationaler und lokaler Marken, von hochwertiger Mode bis hin zu Kunsthandwerksboutiquen. Entdecken Sie einzigartige Souvenirs und handgefertigte Schätze, die das reiche kulturelle Angebot Istanbuls widerspiegeln.
Kılıçali Paşa Mahallesi, Meclis-i Mebusan Caddesi, No: 8, İç Kapı No:102, 34433 Istanbul Türkiye
MondayGalata Port: 24:00 hours open Working hours of shops and restaurants may vary.
TuesdayGalata Port: 24:00 hours open Working hours of shops and restaurants may vary.
WednesdayGalata Port: 24:00 hours open Working hours of shops and restaurants may vary.
ThursdayGalata Port: 24:00 hours open Working hours of shops and restaurants may vary.
FridayGalata Port: 24:00 hours open Working hours of shops and restaurants may vary.
SaturdayGalata Port: 24:00 hours open Working hours of shops and restaurants may vary.
SundayGalata Port: 24:00 hours open Working hours of shops and restaurants may vary.